Since it’s founding in 1989, Copprome has seen many volunteers – both long and short term.  Organizations have learned of the work being done and have stepped forward to ensure that Copprome’s doors are open and the children are cared for.

House of Friendship Foundation

Founded in 1989 by Henry and Patricia King, THE House of Friendship Foundation is the primary fundraiser for Copprome. All moneys raised are sent to Copprome – there is no overhead at the foundation. All donations are used for general funds to pay expenses such as food, clothing, salaries, repairs and utilities.

Friends of Los Ninos

Begun in 2004, Friends of Los Ninos raises money for general expenses. They run a sponsorship program and foster a connection between sponsor and child. 

Honduras Children’s Project

With a focus on education, HCP pays the salaries of a teacher and 2 teaching assistants. They also pay education costs for Oscar Sanchez, one of our employees who dreams of becoming a teacher. Since their work began several years ago, every child in Copprome has passed their classes and been promoted to the next grade each year – a remarkable accomplishment.